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"I would like to say thanks to VietnamHookup very much for helping us find our love"

Allan & Sa First, I would like to say thanks to VietnamHookup very much for helping us find our love.. He is Canadian man...Both of us met on your site on May 2008 and started to write together.. Then he came to VN on December 2008 for his friends wedding and met me in person...Then we went to Cambodia together on the New Year and he proposed me with a diamond ring at the Bayon Temple in front of the Buddha( I didn't know that he bought it in Canada before he got here) .That is a wondeful memory I never forget..Then we went back home to talked with my family but they didn't like him since the first time but he made them had to change as he has a good heart, kind, faithful,and generous as I never met before. We got engaged on June 6th 2009 and got married after engagement 1 year,we had a very nice wedding on June 6th 2010.I'm very lucky to finding him as my life partner- a very great man and so proud to be his wife.I can't imagine how can I do if I lose him because I love him very much and wish to be with him forever...Finally, I wish everybody can find your partner here. Thank you VietnamHookup for helping me find the man of my dream ... Best regards. Allan & Sa

Son ca

"chúng tôi đã kết hôn với nhau, sống với nhau rât hanh phúc"

Tôi đã tìm được một nữa còn lại cua đời mình, đã tìm được tình yêu mà tôi hằng mong ước, xin chân thành cảm ơn đã làm nhịp cầu giúp tôi tìm ra hạnh phúc.Tôi đã gặp được anh ấy là một người Việt sống ở Paris và chúng tôi đã kết hôn với nhau, sống với nhau rât hanh phúc. Một lần nữa xin chân thành cảm ơn.


"Our love story started from here"

I want to thank brought me a most precious gift, I think it only happens in my dreams, but not all the facts he had come to me in an afternoon "July - 2009 ". Our love story started from here, thank you very much. He is the man best for me.


"Vo chong chung toi xin cam on VietnamHookup"

toi ten la djlee va vo toi la TUYET HONG da quen nhau 8 thang trong webside VietnamHookup va chung toi da thanh hon vao thang 7 ngay 11 nam 2009 nay toi va vo toi cung chia vui voi cac thanh vien trong VietnamHookup. Vo chong chung toi xin cam on VietnamHookup....DJLEE-TUYET HONG .xin cam on nhieu........

Bao nhi

"toi da tim duoc nguoi dan ongcua minh"

toi da tim duoc nguoi dan ongcua minh , cam on trang web VietnamHookup da giup toi tim duoc mot nua cua cuoc doi minh .... toi da gap duoc nguoi minh yeu va tht su toi biet anh la mot nua k the thieu duoc trong cuoc doi minh ,.... cam on viet nam cupid rat nhieu ... toi va anh gio dang rat hanh phuc

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